Unique needs for behavioral health

Unique needs for behavioral health

Residents in an assisted living facility who require behavioral health services are typically unable to live independently and need a structured environment where a specialized treatment plan can be followed. The needs of these residents can be unique and will require the oversight from a behavioral health professional as well as the following requirements included in this regulation providing by the Arizona Bureau of Residential Facilities Licensing:

R9-10-812. Behavioral Care

A manager shall ensure that for a resident who requests or receives behavioral care from the assisted living facility, a behavioral health professional or medical practitioner:

  1. Evaluates the resident:
  2. Within 30 calendar days before acceptance of the resident or before the resident begins receiving behavioral care, and
  3. At least once every six months throughout the duration of the resident’s need for behavioral care;
  4. Reviews the assisted living facility’s scope of services; and
  5. Signs and dates a determination stating that the resident’s need for behavioral care can be met by the assisted living facility within the assisted living facility’s scope of services and, for retention of a resident, are being met by the assisted living facility.

R9-10-813. Behavioral Health Services

If an assisted living facility is authorized to provide behavioral health services other than behavioral care, a manager shall ensure that:

  1. Policies and procedures are established, documented, and implemented that cover when general consent and informed consent are required and by whom general consent and informed consent may be given;
  2. The behavioral health services:
  3. Are provided under the direction of a behavioral health professional; and
  4. Comply with the requirements:
  5. For behavioral health paraprofessionals and behavioral health technicians, in R9-10-115; and
  6. For an assessment, in R9-10-1011(B); and
  7. For a resident who requests or receives behavioral health services from the assisted living facility, a behavioral health professional:
  8. Evaluates the resident within 30 calendar days before acceptance of the resident and at least once every six months throughout the duration of the resident’s need for behavioral health services;
  9. Reviews the assisted living facility’s scope of services; and
  10. Signs and dates a determination stating that the resident’s needs can be met by the assisted living facility within the assisted living facility’s scope of services and, for retention of a resident, are being met by the assisted living facility.

Top Takeaways:

  • A behavioral health professional or medical practitioner must:
  1. Evaluate the resident:
  2. Within 30 calendar days before acceptance of the resident or before the resident begins receiving behavioral care, and
  3. At least once every six months throughout the duration of the resident’s need for behavioral care;

Having a behavioral health professional or medical practitioner heavily involved in the residents care is required by BRFL as they must evaluate the resident at a minimum of 30 day prior to the acceptance into the facility and continue to evaluate the needs of the resident at a period of every six months. The inspection team will audit the medical files of these residents to ensure the resident has been under the care of the required personnel.