How To Minimize Your DOSSXIETY Almost Overnight

How To Minimize Your DOSSXIETY Almost Overnight...

This guide has helped hundreds of ALF owners, managers and staff dramatically reduce their DOSSXIETY and Improve 

and Simplify their facilities DOSS compliance…

After reading this guide you will Instantly have a better idea of how to handle and manage a visit from DOSS…
This guide is packed with real-life facility examples and I’m certain you will find it to be a great resource. I hope you enjoy! 

DOSSXIETY: No matter how much you prepare, when the day comes and DOSS shows up at your ALF, your heart beats faster and your DOSSxiety goes into high gear….

If you’ve been in the ALF industry, you have at one point or another felt DOSSxiety. You might have been surprised by a surveyor showing up at your ALF unannounced on a complaint.

Or you might have felt it when your survey timeframe window was approaching. You surely felt it when survey day came and the surveyor showed up at your facility.

“The Guide Breaks Down The Steps How To Qualify Your Facility And Bill With Easy To Follow Instructions.”

Each chapter lays out specific steps needed for you to get access to the extra revenue.

Each chapter is easy to read and put into effect quickly.

“The Guide lays out exactly what DOSS is looking for and provides you with specific items you should have ready at all times…”

The required Core training course that you most likely took is a great foundation.

However, Nothing is going to prepare you for an DOSS interaction like actual stories and examples of real-life occurrences. So I wrote this guide with experiences from over 20 years.

I figured that sharing this information could save individuals the troubles of having to make the same mistakes that I have made in order to learn.

Here are some of the things that I cover…. 

No classroom can totally prepare you for what you will actually face in your facility.

Regulations are created, and we are required to follow them with no manual or book that contains specific instructions on how to follow them.

Do You Know: The 2 different types of Deficiencies?

When DOSS comes out to you facility there are two types of deficiencies that they can hit you with…..

After reading this guide you will know about the two types and learn proven techniques to avoid being cited for them…

“The guide contains hundreds of what not to do’s and what to do’s”

If you learn only one thing from the guide then the guide is more than worth it…. 

However there are numerous bits of knowledge that you will learn making the guide a goldmine.

So, there you are…

To get access to Cure Your DOSSxiety Guide , a virtual blueprint to help you map out what you should be looking for and what you should be doing to stay DOSS compliant. Is available for a limited time… for just $20

Is it worth it?

Well, considering that a single DOSS fine can range from $500 to $1,000 per occurence…

The trouble that this guide can save you the $20 well pay for its self 100 times over.

But you’ve got to act now, because this very limited offer could be gone at any time.

So, what are you waiting for? Click on the “Order Guide” button now.

Grab Your Copy Of 
How To Bill For Assistive Care Services
Now For Only $20 – LIMITED TIME!

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