There will be undoubtedly, many issues that arise in your community. More often than not, they will be led by a disgruntled resident, who cannot be pleased no matter how many times you have tried. Be that as it may, these grievances need to be investigated to ensure each resident gets a fair shot at voicing their opinion and concern toward the issues they face within the community. Check out the regulation below as to how to properly respond to resident grievances:
- 6859. Resident Representation and Grievance Procedures
- Resident Association
- The provider shall have a formal process and structure by which residents, in representative groups and/or as a whole, are given the opportunity to advise the director regarding resident services and life at the ARCP.
- Any resident association requests, concerns, or suggestions presented through this process shall be addressed by the director within a reasonable time frame, as necessitated by the concern, request, or suggestion.
- Staff may attend the residency association meetings only upon an invitation made by the residents of the ARCP.
- Grievance Procedure. A provider shall establish and have written grievance procedures to include, but not limited to 1. a formal process to present grievances;
- a formal appeals process for grievances;
- a process to respond to residents and resident association requests and written grievances within seven days; and
- the maintenance of a log to record grievances, investigation, and disposition of grievances
Top Takeaway:
If you receive a visit from the DHH regarding a complaint you better be sure that you have a proper record of all grievances that were brought to your attention along with the next steps following either an unsubstantiated or substantiated issue.