ALF Articles

The governing authority | AZ
The governing authority More likely than not, you will eventually get the question, “So who runs this place?”. Well depending on who you ask, the

General facility policy and procedure requirements | AZ
Having a thorough set of policies and procedures for how their facility operates can certainly keep them out of hot water in many different circumstances.

Personnel file requirements | AZ
Personnel file requirements “If you don’t have proof, it didn’t happen”, is something many administrators have heard from surveyors over the years due to their

What care services can ALFs provide? -AZ
What care services can ALFs provide? One of the most common reasons why a person may move into an Assisted Living Facility is the fact

Therapeutic recreation for seniors | AZ
Therapeutic recreation for seniors We as administrators often fail to see the importance of the “activities” program. The first problem is we fail to see

Reporting requirements for abuse, neglect, and exploitation allegations | AZ
Reporting requirements for abuse, neglect, and exploitation allegations One of the top reasons why seniors move into assisted living facilities is the comfort of safety