ALF Articles

Elopement control in the ALF setting | FL
Due to the unpredictable nature of many forms of dementia, there is a special consideration for the safety of people that are living with the

Providing care to residents with a dementia diagnosis | FL
Experts suggest that there are currently somewhere around 5.5 million Americans of all ages who suffer from Dementia-related diseases. These conditions require deeply knowledgeable medical

Preparing for the worst | FL
When operating an ALF, it is imperative to operate by the rule of the 5 ‘P’s; Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. This could be no

The AHCA inspection and its aftermath | FL
Let’s face it- inspection time is extremely stressful! No matter how much you have prepared or how long you have been in the “industry” when
Emergency procedure | MI
R 325.1981 Disaster plans. Rule 81. (1) A home shall have a written plan and procedure to be followed in case of fi re, explosion,
Buildings and Grounds | MI
R 325.1961 Plans and specifications. Rule 61. (1) A floor plan of the home, with a description of rooms showing size, use, door locations, window