ALF Articles

Where’s the restroom?- MD
It may seem obvious (and it is) but your community shall provide all residents with a bathroom that is equipped with a toilet and hand

Accommodation for resident’s room | MD
While operating an assisted living facility in the state of Maryland, you must provide certain accommodations pertaining to a resident’s room and the furnishings inside

Common areas in the ALF | MD
Many administrators of Assisted Living Facilities do not have the opportunity to be included in the plans of developing the facilities they operate, meaning there

Should you allow smoking on your premises?- MD
While cigarette smoking is responsible for over 480,000 deaths per year, we still see the desire for seniors to continue the habit. Smoking can cause

Preparing for the worst | MD
When operating an Assisted Living Facility, it is imperative to operate by the rule of the 5 ‘P’s; Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. This could

Keeping the house clean | MD
Providing a clean, odorless community free of debris and insects is an absolute must for facilities to provide to residents. Never should there be a