ALF Articles

Required qualifications for staff | SC
Required qualifications for staff Finding reliable staff members for your CRCF can be a difficult task. We ask so much of our direct care staff,

Keeping your p&p inline | SC
Keeping your p&p inline While operating a CRCF in the state of South Carolina, it is not just suggested, but required to have policies and

Preparing for survey | SC
Preparing for survey Let’s face it- inspection time is extremely stressful! No matter how much you have prepared or how long you have been in

Assessing your new resident | SC
Assessing your new resident When looking at a prospective resident, you must perform a resident assessment to determine if you can perform the care this

Staffing requirements as an administrator | SC
Staffing requirements as an administrator As the administrator of a community residential care facility, you are entrusted with an enormous amount of responsibility. Think about

Avoiding a penalty! | SC
Avoiding a penalty! After your facility has an inspection performed you will have an exit interview and learn of any deficiencies that the surveying team