ALF Articles
111-8-62-.26 Residents’ Rights | GA
(1) As a minimum, the following rights shall be guaranteed and cannot be waived by the resident or the resident’s representative or legal surrogate, if
111-8-62-.25 Resident Files | GA
(1) An individual resident file shall be maintained by the administrator or on-site manager for each resident in the home. Personal information shall be treated
111-8-62-.23 Temperature Conditions | GA
(1) The temperature throughout the home shall be maintained by an adequate central heating system or its equivalent at ranges which are consistent with individual
111-8-62-.22 Nutrition | GA
(1) A minimum of three regularly scheduled, well-balanced, meals shall be assured seven days a week. Not more than fourteen hours shall elapse between the
111-8-62-.21 Medications | GA
(1) All medications required by a resident in a personal care home shall be self-administered by the resident except when a resident, although generally capable
111-8-62-.19 Requirements for Memory Care Services | GA
(1) A home which serves residents with cognitive deficits which place the residents at risk of eloping, i.e. engaging in unsafe wandering activities outside the