ALF Articles
Records of clients | NV
NAC 449.150 Records of clients. 1. Each facility must maintain an organized system for clients’ records. 2. Clients’ records must be available to members of the staff
Dietary services | NV
NAC 449.147 Dietary services. 1. Facilities must serve at least three meals or their equivalent daily, at regular times, with not more than 14 hours between a
Medication | NV
NAC 449.144 Medication. 1. In programs that permit the self-administration of medication, there must be written policies and procedures governing this activity. The policies must require
Health services | NV
NAC 449.141 Health services. 1. Facilities must provide access to health services that ensure that each client receives treatment, prescribed medication, adequate diets and other health services
Safety from fire | NV
NAC 449.135 Safety from fire. 1. Portable fire extinguishers must be installed throughout each facility at the direction of the fire authority having jurisdiction. Each portable fire
Laundry requirements | NV
NAC 449.126 Laundry requirements. 1. A facility must maintain: (a) A laundry with equipment which is adequate for the sanitary washing and finishing of linen and other