ALF Articles
Resident agreements | DC
44-106.02. Resident agreements. (a) A written contract must be provided to the resident prior to admission and signed by the resident or surrogate, if necessary,
Admissions | DC
44-106.01. Admissions. (a) An ALR shall accept as residents only individuals for whom the ALR can provide appropriate services unless the ALR arranges for third
Abuse, neglect, and exploitation | DC
44-105.09. Abuse, neglect, and exploitation. (a) An ALR shall develop and implement policies and procedures prohibiting abuse, neglect, and exploitation of residents. (b)(1) An ALR,
Notice of resident’s rights | DC
44-105.08. Notice of resident’s rights. An ALR shall place a copy of a document delineating the resident’s rights, as set forth in this chapter, in
Representation and resolution of grievances and complaints | DC
§44-105.05. Representation and resolution of grievances and complaints. (a) A resident shall have the right to the following: (1) To designate a person as his
Accommodation of needs | DC
§ 44-105.04. Accommodation of needs. A resident shall have the right to the following: (1) To receive adequate and appropriate services and treatment with reasonable