Additional Requirements & Inspections and Surveysfor Specialized

Written by Pascal Bergeron:Admission Requirement Checklist – Sheet1 (1)

Introduction: When considering admission to a long-term care facility, it’s crucial to have all the necessary information readily available. A well-prepared admission package ensures that potential residents and their families have a comprehensive understanding of the facility’s services, costs, and policies. In this blog post, we present a checklist of the key items that should be included in a facility admission package to facilitate an informed decision-making process.

Section (a) – Written Statement(s) Provided by the Facility:

  1. Admission and continued residency criteria: Prospective residents should receive a clear outline of the criteria for admission and continued residency. This information helps individuals assess their eligibility and suitability for the facility.
  2. Charges and services: The daily, weekly, or monthly charges for residing in the facility, along with a breakdown of the services, supplies, and accommodations provided, should be included. This ensures transparency about the costs and helps residents make informed financial decisions.
  3. Personal care services: The facility should specify the personal care services it offers and any additional costs associated with them. Understanding the range of personal care services available helps individuals assess whether their specific needs can be met.
  4. Nursing services: Residents should be informed about the nursing services provided by the facility and any associated costs. This information allows individuals to evaluate the level of medical support available.
  5. Food service and special diets: The admission package should outline the facility’s food service and its ability to accommodate special dietary requirements. This helps individuals with specific dietary needs ensure that their preferences and restrictions can be met.
  6. Transportation options: If transportation services are available, the facility should communicate their availability and any associated costs. This information helps residents plan their transportation needs.
  7. Special services and costs: Any additional special services provided by the facility, along with associated costs, should be clearly outlined. This allows individuals to assess the value and feasibility of accessing these services.
  8. Social and leisure activities: Providing information on the social and leisure activities offered by the facility enables potential residents to gauge the available opportunities for engagement and recreation.
  9. Arrangement of external services: If the facility does not provide certain services but offers to arrange them for residents, the admission package should include details about these services and any additional costs involved.
  10. Facility rules and regulations: A comprehensive overview of the facility’s rules and regulations, as described in Rule 59A-36.007, F.A.C., should be provided. This ensures that potential residents are aware of the guidelines they need to follow.
  11. Do Not Resuscitate Orders and Advance Directives: The facility should clarify its policy regarding Do Not Resuscitate Orders and Advance Directives as per the relevant legal requirements. This helps residents make decisions about their healthcare preferences.
  12. Extended congregate care services (if applicable): If the facility is licensed to provide extended congregate care, it should communicate the residency criteria, additional services offered, associated costs, and any limitations on residence locations based on Rule 59A-36.021, F.A.C.
  13. Special care for Alzheimer’s and related disorders: If the facility advertises special care for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, a written description of those services should be provided, as required by Section 429.177, F.S.
  14. Resident elopement response policies and procedures: The facility’s policies and procedures regarding resident elopement should be clearly explained to ensure the safety and well-being of residents.

Section (b) – Provided to the Resident or Responsible Party at or before Admission:

  1. Resident’s contract: Pursuant to Section 429.24, F.S., the facility must offer a contract for execution by the resident or the resident’s legal representative before or at the time of admission. The contract must include provisions such as:
    • Specific services, supplies, and accommodations provided
    • Daily, weekly, or monthly rates
    • Additional services and charges
    • Notice period for rate increases
    • Resident’s rights, duties, and obligations
    • Purpose of advance payments or deposits, and refund policy
    • Refund policy conforming to section 429.24(3), F.S.
    • Bed hold policy and termination provisions
    • Affiliation with religious organizations
    • Notification for transfer to a care setting if services beyond the facility’s license are needed
    • Assessment requirements
    • Policies and procedures for medication administration
    • Policies and procedures related to a properly executed DH Form 1896, Do Not Resuscitate Order
  2. Copy of the executed contract: The resident or the resident’s representative must receive a copy of the executed contract for their reference and records.

Section (c) – Language Requirements:

  1. English documents: All documents required in the admission package should be provided in English.
  2. Language assistance: If the resident cannot read or understand English and translated documents are unavailable, the facility must explain its policies to a family member, friend, or another individual who can effectively communicate the information to the resident.

Conclusion: A comprehensive facility admission package is essential for prospective residents and their families to make informed decisions regarding long-term care. By providing the items outlined in this checklist, facilities promote transparency, empower residents to assess their needs, and foster trust in the decision-making process. An admission package that encompasses all necessary information helps ensure a positive and well-informed transition to long-term care.

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