ONTINUED RESIDENCY. Except as follows in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this subsection, criteria for continued residency in any licensed facility must be the same as the criteria for admission. As part of the continued residency criteria, a resident must have a face-to-face medical examination by a health care practitioner at least every 3 years after the initial assessment, or after a significant change, whichever comes first. A significant change is defined in Rule 59A-36.002, F.A.C. The results of the examination must be recorded on the practitioner’s form or on AHCA Form 1823, which is incorporated by reference in paragraph (2)(b) of this rule and must be completed in accordance with that paragraph. Exceptions to the requirement to meet the criteria for continued residency are:

(a) The resident may be bedridden for no more than 7 consecutive days, unless the resident is receiving licensed hospice services pursuant to Section 429.26(1)(c), F.S.

(b) A resident requiring care of a stage 2 pressure sore may be retained provided that:

  1. The resident contracts directly with a licensed home health agency or a nurse to provide care, or the facility has a limited nursing services license and services are provided pursuant to a plan of care issued by a health care practitioner,
  2. The condition is documented in the resident’s record; and,
  3. If the resident’s condition fails to improve within 30 days, as documented by a health care practitioner, the resident must be discharged from the facility.

(c) A terminally ill resident who no longer meets the criteria for continued residency may continue to reside in the facility if the following conditions are met:

  1. The resident qualifies for, is admitted to, and consents to receive services from a licensed hospice that coordinates and ensures the provision of any additional care and services that the resident may need;
  2. Both the resident, or the resident’s legal representative if applicable, and the facility agree to continued residency;
  3. A licensed hospice, in consultation with the facility, develops and implements an interdisciplinary care plan that specifies the services being provided by hospice and those being provided by the facility; and,
  4. Documentation of the requirements of this paragraph is maintained in the resident’s file.

(d) The facility administrator is responsible for monitoring the continued appropriateness of placement of a resident in the facility at all times.

(e) A hospice resident that meets the qualifications of continued residency pursuant to this subsection may only receive services from the assisted living facility’s staff which are within the scope of the facility’s license.

(f) Assisted living facility staff may provide any nursing service permitted under the facility’s license and total help with the activities of daily living for residents admitted to hospice; however, staff may not exceed the scope of their professional licensure or training.

(g) Continued residency criteria for facilities holding an extended congregate care license are described in Rule 59A-36.021, F.A.C.