Title Resident Care – Social & Leisure Activities
Statute or Rule 58A-5.0182(2) FAC
(2) SOCIAL AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES. Residents shall be encouraged to participate in social, recreational, educational and other activities within the facility and the community.
(a) The facility must provide an ongoing activities program. The program must provide diversified individual and group activities in keeping with each resident ‘ s needs, abilities, and interests.
(b) The facility must consult with the residents in selecting, planning, and scheduling activities. The facility must demonstrate residents ‘ participation through one or more of the following methods: resident meetings, committees, a resident council, suggestion box, group discussions, questionnaires, or any other form of communication appropriate to the size of the facility.
(c) Scheduled activities must be available at least 6 days a week for a total of not less than 12 hours per week. Watching television is not an activity for the purpose of meeting the 12 hours per week of scheduled activities unless the television program is a special one-time event of special interest to residents of the facility. A facility whose residents choose to attend day programs conducted at adult daycare centers, senior centers, mental health centers, or other day programs may count those attendance hours towards the required 12 hours per week of scheduled activities. An activities calendar must be posted in common areas where residents normally congregate.
(d) If residents assist in planning a special activity such as an outing, seasonal festivity, or an excursion, up to 3 hours may be counted toward the required activity time.