It is a regulation that your facility submit to AHCA A copy of the annual fire safety inspection and sanitation inspections. AHCA has been very lenient over the years and not enforced this regulation. So you might have gotten by over the years without meeting this requirement however it is a regulation and it is suggested that you make the effort to comply.

You may email your documents to AHCA at this email: as************@ah**
Fax (850) 922-1984

Title Licensure – Requirements Statute or Rule 58A-5.016 FAC

(5) PROOF OF INSPECTIONS. A copy of the annual fire safety and sanitation inspections described in Rule 58A-5.0161, F.A.C., must be submitted annually to the Agency Central Office. The annual inspections must be submitted no later than 30 calendar days after the inspections. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in administrative action pursuant to Part II, Chapter 408, F.S., Section 429.14, F.S., and Rule Chapter 59A-35, F.A.C.