ALF Articles
Injecting at the site | CA
the state of California can offer a multitude of services including by not limited to intramuscular, subcutaneous or intradermal injections. These injections can be extremely
Healing wounds in the ALF | CA
Due to the increased nature of skin sensitivity in our senior population, it is extremely common for residents to be present to us with different
Hospice Care in the ALF setting | CA
Hospice care is often one of the most misunderstood and underused aspects of care in the ALF setting. Hospice is a special kind of care
Hospice care waiver | CA
Before providing care to a resident who is wishing for hospice care services you must ensure your community has been issued a hospice care waiver
Appealing the decision | CA
So, you don’t agree with the CCLD regarding a deficiency or the direction to relocate a resident due to their increased care needs? Fortunately, there
Relocation due to increased needs | CA
Unfortunately, there are times when a resident will no longer meet the criteria to continue residency in your facility. Transferring a resident is a delicate