ALF Articles
6821. Complaint Investigations | LA
Try as you may, there will ALWAYS be residents, resident family members, or even staff members that you cannot make happy no matter what you
6865. Staffing Requirements | LA
All of us in the “industry” understand the difficulty we face with staffing appropriately in our facilities. These positions are tough and consuming for people
6823. Statement of Deficiencies | LA
So, you have had your survey and/or a complaint investigation and the surveyor has concluded that your facility has some work to be done. Fear
6867. Staff Training | LA
Perhaps one of the most common deficiencies seen during the survey of an Assisted Living Facility is the failure to train (or keep a record
6829. Policy and Procedures | LA
While operating an ARCP in the state of Louisiana, it is not just suggested, but required to have policies and procedures for many operational aspects
6833. Pre-Residency and Continued Residency | LA
The pre-residency interview and assessment are perhaps one of the single most important elements of future success for an ARCP and the prospective resident. This