ALF Articles
Compliance Reviews of Assisted Living Residences | MA
Compliance Reviews of Assisted Living Residences (1) Purpose. EOEA or its authorized designee shall conduct a compliance review of an Assisted Living Residence prior to
Resident Rights and Required Disclosures | MA
Prior to scheduling a formal meeting with a prospective Resident, the Residence shall inform him or her of the right to be accompanied by a
Training Requirements | MA
Training Requirements The purposes of the requirements of 651 CMR 12.07 are to ensure employees of Assisted Living Residences have a clear understanding of their
Staffing Requirements | MA
Staffing Requirements No person working in an Assisted Living Residence shall have been convicted of a felony related to the theft or illegal sale of
Record Requirements | MA
All records created or maintained by the Assisted Living Residence shall be legible, recorded in ink, and contemporaneously signed and dated to indicate the name
General Requirements for an Assisted Living Residence | MA
An Assisted Living Residence shall meet the following requirements to obtain and maintain Certification: (1) Physical Requirements. (a) An Assisted Living Residence shall provide only