ALF Articles
Medication Management and Administration | MD
All staff who administer medications to residents shall have completed the medication administration course that is taught by a registered nurse who is approved
Services | MD
Meals. (1) The [assisted living manager] shall ensure that: (a) A resident is provided three meals in a common dining area and additional snacks during
Service Plan | MD
The [assisted living] manager, or designee, shall ensure that all services are provided in a manner that respects and enhances the dignity, privacy, and
Resident Agreement | MD
Resident Agreement — Financial Content If a program requires payment of funds before admission, the funds shall be fully refundable unless the program discloses, in
Resident-Specific Level of Care Waiver | MD
A licensee may request a resident-specific waiver to continue to provide services to a resident if: (1) The resident’s level of care exceeds the
Other Staff — Qualifications | MD
Other Staff — Qualifications The licensee shall employ or contract with sufficient numbers of other staff to ensure that the assisted living program is capable