ALF Articles
1200-08-25-.05 REGULATORY STANDARDS. (1) A Department of Health representative shall make an unannounced inspection of every ACLF holding a license granted by the Board for
1200-08-25-.04 FEES | TN
1200-08-25-.04 FEES. (1) Each ACLF, except those operated by the United States of America or the State of Tennessee, making an application for licensure under
1200-08-25-.03 LICENSING REQUIREMENTS. (1) An applicant for an ACLF license shall submit the following to the office of the Board for Licensing Health Care Facilities:
1200-08-25-.02 DEFINITIONS.
1200-08-25-.02 DEFINITIONS. (1) “Abuse” means the willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or punishment with resulting physical harm, pain, or mental anguish. (2) “Activities

Preparing for the worst | TN
When operating an Assisted Care Living Facility, it is imperative to operate by the rule of the 5 ‘P’s; Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. This

Reports | TN
When operating an Assisted Care Living Facility in the state of Tennessee there are certain instances when you must report serious incidents to either the