ALF Articles
Applicability | NY
1001.1 Applicability. (a) This Part applies to assisted living residences, enhanced assisted living residences and special needs assisted living residences as defined herein. (b) The

It’s not my job
In the Assisted Living industry there is nothing more insulating and aggravating to a family member, resident and or anyone in your facility for
Enforcement remedies | NJ
ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES 8:43E-3.1 Enforcement remedies available (a) Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:2H-13, 14, 15, 16 and 38, the Commissioner or his or her designee
Survey procedures | NJ
SURVEY PROCEDURES 8:43E-2.1 Scope and types of surveys The Department, or another State agency to which the Department has delegated the authority for
Assisted living programs | NJ
ASSISTED LIVING PROGRAMS 8:36-23.1 Tenant/resident eligibility Participation in the services of an assisted living program shall be voluntary on the part of any
Quality improvement | NJ
QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 8:36-21.1 Quality improvement program The facility shall establish and implement a written plan for a quality improvement program for resident care.