ALF Articles
111-8-62-.05 Application for Permit | GA
(1) The governing body of each home shall submit to the Department an application for a permit to operate under these rules and regulations. No
111-8-62-.04 Exemptions | GA
These regulations do not apply to the following facilities: (a) boarding homes or rooming houses which provide no personal services other than lodging and meals;
111-8-62-.03 Definitions | GA
In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the words, phrases and symbols set forth herein shall mean the following: (a) “Activities of daily living”
111-8-62-.02 Purposes | GA
The purposes of these rules and regulations are to establish the minimum standards for the operation of homes which provide residential services to the citizens
Residential Care and Assisted Living Regulations
Licensure Terms Assisted Living Facility General Approach The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), Division of Long Term Care Residents Protection, licenses assisted
10.0 Facility Closure
10.1 In the event of the closing of a facility, the facility shall: 10.1.1 Notify the Division of Long Term Care Residents Protection, the Ombudsman,