ALF Articles
Environmental Services | NE
4-006.13 Environmental Services: An assisted-living facility must provide a safe, clean, comfortable and homelike environment, allowing residents to use personal belongings to the extent possible.
Record-Keeping Requirements | NE
Record-Keeping Requirements: Each assisted-living facility must maintain records and reports in such a manner to ensure accuracy. 4-006.12A Resident Records: Each assisted-living facility must
Resident Care | NE
4-006.11 Resident Care: Each assisted-living facility must provide residents care and services in accordance with their established resident service agreements which maximize the residents’ dignity,
Food Service | NE
Food Service: The assisted-living facility must provide food service as specified in the resident service agreement and may include special diets if offered by the
Administration of Medication and Medication Record | NE
Provision of Medication: Provision of medications may be provided by the assisted-living facility as requested by the resident and in accordance with licensed health care
Standards of operation, care, and treatment | NE
STANDARDS OF OPERATION, CARE, AND TREATMENT: To provide adequate protection to assisted-living residents and compliance with state statutes, an assisted-living facility must meet the following: