ALF Articles
Records | IA
481—57.16(135C) Records. 57.16(1) Resident record. The licensee shall keep a permanent record on all residents admitted to a residential care facility with all entries current,
Physical examinations | IA
481—57.15 (135C) Physical examinations. 57.15(1) Each resident in a residential care facility shall have a designated licensed physician, who may be called when needed. (III)
Contracts | IA
481—57.14(135C) Contracts. Each contract shall: 57.14(1) State the base rate or scale per day or per month, the services included, and the method of payment;
Admission, transfer, and discharge | IA
481—57.13(135C) Admission, transfer, and discharge. 57.13(1) General admission policies. a. No resident shall be admitted to or retained in a residential care facility who is
Personnel | IA
481—57.12(135C) Personnel. 57.12(1) General qualifications. a. No person with a current record of habitual alcohol intoxication or addiction to the use of drugs shall serve
General policies | IA
481—57.11 (135C) General policies. 57.11(1) There shall be written personnel policies in facilities of more than 15 beds to include hours of work and attendance