ALF Articles
Variances | IA
481—57.2(135C) Variances. Variances from these rules may be granted by the director of the department of inspections and appeals for good and sufficient reason when
Definitions | IA
481—57.1 (135C) Definitions. For the purpose of these rules, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated in this chapter. The definitions set out in
Special Requirements for ALRs, insurance for Assisted Living Residences | DC
44-110.11 Special requirements for ALRs with 17 beds or more. (a) An ALR that provides sleeping accommodations for more than 16 residents shall comply with
General conditions | DC
44-110.01. General conditions. (a) An ALR shall meet applicable zoning, building, housing, sewer, water, fire prevention codes, rules, and regulations of the District of Columbia.
Medication control | DC
44-109.07. Medication control (a) Each resident shall be identified prior to drug administration. (b) Drugs prescribed for one resident shall not be administered to another
Medication administration and Medication Management Training Program | DC
44-109.05. Medication administration. (a) Licensed nurses, physicians, physician assistants, and TMEs may administer medications to residents or assist residents with taking their medications. (b)(1) Each