New Staff Reg

Effective March 31, 2019, if your ALF has 11 beds and up your staff, whom who engage in the storage, preparation, or serving of food, or cleaning of equipment, utensils, or food contact and non-food contact surfaces, will be required to be trained annually,

In the past, AHCA required your staff to be in-serviced one time. Now the health department and AHCA will be looking for this annual training.

This in-service can be provided by your ALF’s Food Manager or your facility Dietician. If your staff has not completed the in-service for this year you need to in-service your staff ASAP before the deadline and make sure that you keep a sign in the roster for the review of the Health Department. All staff that you hire after March 31, 2019 must complete the in-service within 30 days of hire.

64E-11.012 Manager Certification.

(3) It is the responsibility of the certified manager or person in charge to train or ensure the training of all employees under their supervision and control who engage in the storage, preparation, or serving of food, or cleaning of equipment, utensils, or food contact and non-food contact surfaces, and to do so in accordance with acceptable sanitary practices as described in this chapter. The trainings must be annual and provided to employees by March 31 of each year. Employees hired after the annual training has been provided for that calendar year must receive training within 30 days of being hired. The certified manager or person in charge must also maintain a copy of the establishment’s most recent regular food service inspection form provided by the department. Employees shall present this inspection form to guests or patrons for their review upon request.


Regulation Link