ALF Articles
92.63 Construction and Initial Survey of Completed Construction | TX
a. Construction phase. 1. DADS Regulatory Services Division, Licensing and Credentialing Section must be notified in writing of construction start. 2. All construction must comply
92.62 General Requirements | TX
a. General. The concept of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101 Life Safety Code requirements for fire safety with regard to the residents, is
92.61 Introduction and Application | TX
a. Classification of facilities. 1. A small facility is a building or buildings consisting of one or more floors providing sleeping accommodations for 16 or
92.54 Advertisements, Solicitations, and Promotional Material | TX
An assisted living facility must use its state-issued facility identification number in all advertisements, solicitations, and promotional materials, including yellow pages, brochures, and business cards.
92.53 Standards for Certified Alzheimer’s Assisted Living Facilities | TX
(a) Manager qualifications and training. (1) The manager of the certified Alzheimer facility or the supervisor of the certified Alzheimer unit must be 21 years
92.51 Certification of a Facility or Unit for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders | TX
(a) A facility that advertises, markets, or otherwise promotes that the facility or a distinct unit of the facility provides specialized care for persons with