ALF Articles
59A-36.013 Fiscal Standards – Surety Bonds | FL
SURETY BONDS. Pursuant to the requirements of section 429.27(2), F.S.: (a) For entities that own more than one facility in the state, one surety bond
59A-36.013 Fiscal Standards- Resident Trust Funds | FL
Title Fiscal – Resident Trust Funds Statute or Rule 429.27(3-4) FS; 58A-5.021(2) FAC 429.27 (3) A facility, upon mutual consent with the resident, shall provide
59A-36.013 Fiscal Standards – Financial Stability | FL
1) FINANCIAL STABILITY. The facility must be administered on a sound financial basis in order to ensure adequate resources to meet resident needs pursuant to
Food Service Standards – Contracted Food Service | FL
CONTRACTED FOOD SERVICE. When food service is contracted by the facility, the facility must ensure that the contracted food service meets all dietary standards imposed
ST – A0094 – Food Service – Food Hygiene | FL
Title Food Service – Food Hygiene Statute or Rule 58A-5.020(3) FAC (3) FOOD HYGIENE. Copies of inspection reports issued by the county health department for
Food Service Standards – Dietary Standards | FL
DIETARY STANDARDS. (a) The meals provided by the assisted living facility must be planned based on the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, which