ALF Articles
NUTRITION | NM NUTRITION: The facility shall provide planned and nutritionally balanced meals from the basic food groups in accordance with the “recommended daily dietary allowance” of the American
MEDICATIONS | NM MEDICATIONS: Administration of medications or staff assistance with self-administration of medications shall be in accordance with state and federal laws. No medications, including over-the-counter medications, PRN (when
CUSTODIAL DRUG PERMITS | NM CUSTODIAL DRUG PERMITS: A facility with two (2) or more residents that is licensed pursuant to this rule and that assists with self-administration or safeguards medications
RESIDENT RIGHTS | NM RESIDENT RIGHTS: All licensed facilities shall understand, protect and respect the rights of all residents. Prior to admission to a facility, a resident and legal representative
REPORTING OF INCIDENTS | NM REPORTING OF INCIDENTS: The facility shall insure that all suspected cases or known incidents of resident abuse, neglect or exploitation are reported in accordance with
HANDLING OF EMERGENCIES | NM HANDLING OF EMERGENCIES: Upon admission, each resident or surrogate decision maker shall designate a primary care practitioner (PCP) to be called in case of a