Did Your Staff Really Complete In-Service?

When you get a new staff member it is important to take the required time to thoroughly go over the in-services and materials with them. This ensures that they understand it. It is time-consuming, but it is required. It is common practice in many facilities to print out a bunch of in service documents and hand them out to […]
How To Update Your AHCA Background Staff Roster

ALF Boss has learned that AHCA has sent out a memo to all of Florida’s assisted living facilities informing them that they will now be checking and looking at your Background Screening Facility Roster when they come out to your facility. If your facility roster is not up to date, you will be cited for […]
MMA Plan’s Causing ALF Lost Reimbursement’s

Scenario: You have a new potential resident and you are reviewing their financials to determine if you want to accept them into your ALF. You have been informed that the prospect has full Medicaid and you want to make sure you will be able to bill for ACS “Assistive Care Services”. You go to the Florida […]
New Assisted Living 2Hr Pre-service Orientation Requirement

Effective October 1, 2015 any new staff that your facility has hired is required to have had a two-hour training provided by your facility before they began interacting with any of your residents. So what does this 2hr training suppose to consist of and what exactly does it need to include to be compliant? Unfortunately, […]