ALF Articles

Preparing for the worst | TN
When operating an Assisted Care Living Facility, it is imperative to operate by the rule of the 5 ‘P’s; Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. This

Reports | TN
When operating an Assisted Care Living Facility in the state of Tennessee there are certain instances when you must report serious incidents to either the

Proving care in the memory support setting | TN
Providing care in dementia or memory support communities can be a daunting task due to the increased care needs related to their disease process. With

What services can you provide in an ACLF?- TN
Determining what medical services are allowed in an ACLF is a straightforward conversation. Your clinical care team in addition to any third-party providers are entrusted

Staffing Requirements in an ACLF | TN
One of the most important elements for running a successful ACLF is having a strong team that is passionate about caring for seniors. It can

Conspicuous Posting | TN
The Tennessee OHCF has mandated that certain information must be displayed in a conspicuous location and readily accessible for residents, visitors, and staff alike. Ensuring